Camping Tents – Camping Tent Checklist
The kinds of things you want to consider bringing on your next camping trip will vary depending on when and where you are going camping. For example, if you are going camping in the winter, you will want to bring gloves and boots, a warm jacket and a hat. If you are going hiking or mountain climbing, you will need to bring lots of lightweight things to put in your backpack. However, if you are planning to go camping in the woods or at a campground, you will find the camping trip checklist below very useful.
Print a copy of this checklist and store a copy with your camping tent. Put the list in the bag with the tent stakes so you never forget where the list is. You will need the list before you leave home to go camping and again when you finish packing your camping tent and other items at the site and you are ready to go home.
How to make the checklist work for you:
a. As you pack the items you are going to bring camping, place a checkmark above that item below. If the item is not listed, add it.
b. Place a scratch through items you choose not to bring
c. When you are finished camping and as you pack items to bring home, place a checkmark under those items below.
Camping Trip Checklist
Consider bringing the items below with you on your next camping trip.
1. Camping tents, tent stakes, rope or clothes line, tape, tarp
2. Fan, chairs, lantern, matches, propane, newspaper for starting fires, campfire logs, plastic baggies (big and small)
3. Charcoal, charcoal lighter,
4. Towels for wiping dew off chairs in morning, bath towels, dish towels, beach towels, washcloth, soap
5. Inflatable mattress bed, cot, sleeping bags, blanket, pillows
6. Paper/plastic plates, paper towels & napkins, plastic spoons, forks, knives, pots, pans, spatula & tongs, table
cloth, can opener, table cover, cups, salt n pepper/shaker
7. Clothes in luggage, swim suit
8. First aid kit, mosquito repellant (raid), sunscreen
9. Tin foil, knife & scissors
10. Hatchet, hammer, garbage bags small shovel
11. Radio, binoculars, compass and/or GPS. dustpan and broom, backpack, air pump, portable heater, coolers, extension cords
12. Games to play i.e. bocce ball, badminton, bean toss, sudoku, cards, tubes for swimming, books to read
13. Ponchos/jackets/coat
14. Cooking grill, oven mitts, pie makers, marshmallows
15. Fishing poles, tackle box, water shoes, life jackets, boots
16. Pot scrubber, toilet paper, folding table